Entry Details


Key Dates


Call for entries
Early bird rate deadline
Entry Deadline
Shortlist announced
Awards ceremony

Entry costs

Early bird entry fee (enter by 30 August 2024): £60 + VAT per award entry (£72 total)

Standard entry fee: £80 + VAT per award entry (£96 total)

Freelance journalist entry fee: £40 + VAT per award entry (£48 total). Use code at checkout: FREELANCE-24

Entry guidance

  • All articles should have been published online, in print or both, in the twelve-month period ending 31 August 2024.
  • Journalists may enter as many categories as they wish, although the same article cannot be submitted for more than one category, with the exception of Brand of the Year and Scoop of the Year.
  • Only one entry consisting of three articles is allowed per category from the same journalist.
  • Full contact details of the journalist whose work is being entered must be supplied. If articles are not by-lined, confirmation of authorship from the editor should also be supplied.
  • A portfolio of three articles by more than one journalist may be submitted. Each article must be by-lined by two or more writers, and the names of at least two contributors must be common to no less than two articles, although not necessarily in the same combination.
  • All entries may be accompanied by an explanation, maximum 200 words for each article, maximum 600 words for the entry. This is optional for the majority of categories and only mandatory for the Feature Writer and News Reporter categories.
  • All articles in each category must relate to the architecture, civil engineering, construction, commercial property and housing/residential sectors.
  • Articles published within internal/inhouse journals or newsletters etc are not eligible.

What the judges are looking for

The judges will consider these points when viewing entries. Please review the individual categories for specific submission requirements before drafting your entry.

Journalist categories

  • Evidence of journalistic skill
    How has the journalist arrived at and conveyed the story? Did the work involve a high degree of research, difficult to obtain information, well-nurtured sources? Is the end result compelling?
  • Exclusivity/originality
    Has the journalist beaten others to an exclusive story? Have they put a different spin on a big agenda topic, or come up with a feature idea that stands out from the crowd?
  • Relevance to audience
    How relevant and significant is the story to its target audience? Is context and significance well-explained within the piece?
  • Impact
    What evidence is there that the story has had impact within the sector, and/or beyond? Elements to consider might include wider media or political pick-up, whether the story has effected change within the industry, evidence of audience engagement/reach.

Media brand of the year

  • Meeting audience needs
    How effectively has the brand deployed its resources to meet the needs of its target audience in the period covered by the awards?
  • Commercial performance
    What evidence is there of strong commercial performance? Is the brand effectively positioned for the future? If the brand has faced commercial challenges in recent times, how effectively have these been addressed?
  • Impact
    What evidence is there that the brand has had impact within the sector, and/or beyond? Elements to consider might include audience data; evidence of audience engagement/reach; whether the brand has effected positive change within the industry; wider media or political pick-up for stories.
  • Innovation
    What has the brand done differently this year to engage its audience, and respond to their changing needs? How effectively is it using and developing its digital and social platforms? What is there that marks its efforts out from the crowd?
  • Design and presentation
    How effectively has the brand’s design and presentation contributed to its efforts to engage its audience?

Conditions of entry

  • Entries must be submitted online by 6pm on Friday 13 September 2024. (This is the extended and final deadline).
  • Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to content and length of supporting text etc.
  • The entrant must agree that the entry will remain in place on the IBP hosting server for an indeterminate period.
  • The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP website when reporting on the awards.
  • Judges’ decisions are final.

Shortlisting and awards

The shortlist will be announced at an event in October 2024. There will be up to six entrants on the shortlist for each category.

There will be one winner in each category and some entrants may be highly commended. The winner in each of the journalism categories will receive £500. Media brand of the year and the overall winner categories do not receive this sum.

The awards announcement and celebration will take place on 21 November. We hope that all shortlisted journalists and brands will attend, and will bring their friends and supporters.